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"Buy a ticket, get a tan, fall in love and never return"

The name "FALLINGCOCO" was chosen to remind ourselves, that life is short, and it's the small things which count in life, such as

  • people you meet,

  • things you do and

  • memories you create.

Who am I?

My name is Anita, I am from Switzerland, studied marketing and have always been passionate about travelling.

I've visited over 20 different countries before I first travelled to Zanzibar in 2019. Since then, the island work as a magnet for me, which probably also has to do with the fact that my boyfriend lives on the island.

I am thrilled to share my insights of the beautiful island Zanzibar on this page and send you some good vibes from the South, until the day you can find yourself in front of the crystal clear water of Zanzibar yourself :) 

Be brave, challenge yourself, have fun, get out of your comfort zone BUT always watch out for falling coconuts…


Sea you! 

About us

This is me

Fallingcoco Travel Zanzibar Portrait
  • Travel addicted

  • Open minded

  • Adventurous

  • Connecting with people

  • Marketing

  • Passionate kitesurfer

  • Yoga instructor

Fallingcoco Travel Zanzibar Kitesurf
Fallingcoco Travel Zanzibar Dog & Ocean
Fallingcoco Travel Zanzibar Puppy
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